Must Love Curves Page 4
“Yeah…sure.” She gives me a strange look, but I don’t engage her in further conversation. I follow her in through the garage door that leads into the kitchen. I have walked through this door more than any other in my life. My parents were always working and when they were home they were fighting. Hanging out here was like my own personal sanctuary. The Michael’s house feels like home to me. My parents sold their house when I left for college and divorced within that same year. Jim and Tammy Michaels welcomed me into their home and made me feel as though I were a part of the family. It still feels strange coming into the kitchen and not seeing either of them here.
Tammy passed away when Eddie and I were in tenth grade. I remember the day so vividly. It was snowing, and the roads were being closed. We had already missed two days of school. Faith was sitting in this very kitchen at the table playing with the multi-colored mini marshmallows in her hot chocolate.
Eddie and I had just come in from fucking around with the neighborhood kids; having snowball fights and sledding. Anyway Mrs. Michaels—Tammy had worked a double at the hospital. She was a cardiac nurse. Jim had left hours ago to pick her up. In normal weather aside from the traffic, the commute could take an hour or so. I guess Eddie and I had lost track of the time.
I remember watching Faith stir the marshmallows and then the phone rang. I recall Eddie one of the toughest guys I knew cradling the phone to his chest, sinking to the floor, and sobbing. Faith didn’t move, it was if she somehow knew. There had been a terrible accident. A semi hit a patch of ice and lost control. It struck their car head on killing their mother instantly. Faith hasn’t spoke of her mother since she died.
As soon as I set foot inside Beans is running with his little nubbin of a tail wagging. I crouch down expecting him to come straight into my awaiting arms. The little traitor goes right for Faith.
“Well that’s fitting I guess.” Raking my hand over my head I let out a heavy sigh.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She questions as she refills his water bowl.
Chewing the inside of my jaw, trying to choose my words carefully, I know she will protest but this is happening, and she needs to agree.
“I was planning on telling you earlier at the office, but we’re expanding the business, and I’d appreciate it if you’d keep Beans for me when I’m gone.”
She doesn’t answer right away and turns her back to me to get a treat for my boy. “Oh, well that’s good isn’t it. Sure, he likes me better anyway. Don’t ya, boy?” She bends down, giving him his treat and my eyes follow, landing on her cleavage.
“You don’t mind? It’s just normally…”
“I told you it’s fine. I’ll be spending time by your apartment anyway.”
Her cheeks redden again. “My…uh friend lives near you.”
“Does this friend live in the apartments?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and my stomach drops.
“Who is he?” I press and my jaw ticks when she doesn’t reply right away.
“He’s a photographer.” I watch as she kicks her shoes off and sits at the kitchen table to remove her stocking slowly. I lean against the counter to hide my dick tenting in my pants right now. “Beans!” Beans steals the first one and comes over to me with it hanging out of his mouth.
“Bad boy!” I tell him, and he lays down at Faith’s feet with a paw over his nose.
He’s mad at me because I have been gone. By the time we open this new office he won’t know me. He’ll be her dog and not mine.
“He keeps stealing stuff. This morning I caught him eating the crotch out of a pair of my panties.” She shakes her head.
I clear my throat and steer the conversation from her panties. “I’m not leaving for another week. I’ll keep him until then.”
“That’s fine.”
“Do you have plans for dinner? I know I told you I would treat you to a night out.”
“Actually, I’m feeling beat. Another time?”
“Yeah, sure. Well, I will leave you to it.”
“Later.” She waves with a yawn.
I gather up my dog and get him in the car wishing I had the balls to tell her I love her, but it seems like I’m too late. I guess it doesn’t matter, I’ll be in Colorado for months. No point in trying to start something when I won’t even be here. Besides she has her new man.
Work has been crazy busy for the past month and I have been seeing a lot of Enzo. Tonight is my brother and Claire’s official engagement party. I don’t want to attend but I wouldn’t do that to Eddie. With both our parents gone, we only have each other. One good thing though is I have a sexy date to bring with me for once. I’m usually Darin’s date when he’s between bed hopping. He called me to coordinate me picking him up from the airport; he’s flying in. It felt slightly empowering to tell him that I already had plans.
His voice deflated but that was just too bad too sad. I have always been his backup plan, because I never had steady men in my life. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was twenty-one to some frat guy and that was only because I was part of his “pledge haze.” I was humiliated but none of that matters now. I have Enzo in my life and he’s kind of perfect.
I’m nervous though. He’s the first guy I am introducing to Eddie. It’s as nerve racking as it would be if I were introducing him to my father. I love and respect my brother a lot. It would kill me if they don’t get along. Tonight is also the first time I will have seen Claire bear as my brother calls her in months. I avoid her at all cost. She is like every mean girl I have ever known rolled into one. Eddie doesn’t see it, but he also doesn’t hear the nasty shit she says to me when he isn’t around. Sure, I could tell Eddie, but he’d only get mad at me. He has always been that way. He’s the type to shoot the messenger because in his eyes she is a goddess.
Spinning around, I check out my reflection in the full-length mirror that I have in my bedroom. It was my mother’s. I used to love watching her get dressed for the charity banquets her and my dad would attend for the hospital. Remembering her is hard. I miss her terribly. She always told me how beautiful I was and coming from her I always trusted in her words. She had that something that made you know she was a genuine person.
I get my facial features from my mom, but she was half my size. My dad always said I took after his family, but I never met any of them. Whether by his choice or not I still don’t know. No one called or visited when he passed away. Although Eddie and I didn’t know who to call if anyone.
In this black form fitting dress, I feel beautiful. Admittedly my cleavage is a bit much, but I am hoping my matching black sheer wrap will camouflage the girls some. I’m meeting Enzo at his place because the dinner is at some hotel downtown Claire’s parents reserved.
Stepping into my shoes I smooth my hand over my hair. I have it styled in the classic Marilyn Monroe glamour look.
When I am getting out of my car at Enzo’s I see Darin getting into his car. He does look smashingly handsome in his heather grey suit. When he sees me, he shoves his keys back in his pocket and starts in my direction.
“Faith. Wow…” he breathes out, shaking his head. “You’re beautiful.”
“You think so?” I turn sideways looking myself over and it doesn’t escape my notice the way his eyes linger on me. Warmth pools in my belly and I am not sure what to make of him staring at me like that.
“You better save me a dance.”
“Since when do you dance?” I tease him remembering him freaking about having to dance at prom when he was in high school.
“Since you started wearing dresses like that.” Heat flares in his eyes but before more can be said Enzo is joining us.
I can’t believe it. He isn’t sporting his famous beanie. His dark hair is styled in a tousled fashion and he could use a shave, but it gives him a rough edge next to Darin’s clean-cut appearance.
“Hey man, trying to steal my date away?” He jokes and kisses my cheek.
/> “Can’t steal what’s always been mine,” Darin tells him, and I gasp. What’s he doing?
“Is there a problem here?” Enzo asks looking at me.
“No problem. Darin is only teasing. He’s my boss and my brother’s best man.” My cheeks redden, and I narrow my eyes at Darin wondering what in the hell he is doing. Is he trying to scare off the one man who has shown an interest in me? Why is he being a jerk right now?
He slaps Enzo on the arm and grins. “Just giving Faith here shit. I’ll see you two at the party that is unless you’d like to ride together.”
“No,” I say at the same time Enzo says, “Sure.”
“Good. I’ll drive,” Darin offers, and I don’t get a chance to protest. Enzo is taking my hand and urging me over to Darin’s car.
This is going to be fun. Not. I move to get in the backseat with my date when Darin says, “Faith you should ride up front. I’m afraid there won’t be any room back there. You know I have to have my seat reclined far back.”
I narrow my eyes on him, but Enzo squeezes my hand and assures me it’s fine.
Huffing and puffing to display my annoyance I get in and Darin smiles at me. I want to knock him up side his smug head. Why is he doing this to me?
The drive to the party doesn’t go any better. Darin is questioning Enzo as if he is interviewing him.
“So, what do you do for a living?”
“I’m a freelance photographer but I mostly work with travel blogs,” Enzo answers curtly. I can tell by his tone he is beginning to grow annoyed with Darin as well.
“Ah a traveling man. I do some traveling myself. Maybe we can employ your services when we update our website and portfolio. Faith, I am sure has all of your contact information.”
“Darin, can we not discuss work,” I implore him.
“What are your intentions with my sweet Faith? I only ask because…well, she is highly valuable to me and I look out for her.”
“Darin! Stop it!” I snap at him having had enough.
“No, it’s perfectly fine,” Enzo calls from the backseat. “I can’t blame him. We are casually dating.” Enzo’s words hurt me, I thought we were more than casual by now.
“So, nothing too serious then?” Darin pushes, and I wish I could melt into my seat.
“We’ll see,” Enzo answers tensely.
Thankfully I am saved from further humiliation when we arrive at our destination. I am practically jumping from the car before the wheels stop.
Enzo follows me and while Darin parks I apologize profusely. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why he is being like this. He’s not normally so invasive and involved.”
“Faith, relax. It’s cool. You’re important to him. He is just making sure I’m not taking advantage of you. And I think he has a thing for you.”
My breath catches in my throat. “No, he um is like a brother to me really.”
“Well, see. He’s just protecting you from the big bad hot photographer.” He winks. “Shall we get this over with. If that was the best friend I am almost afraid to see what your brother will throw at me,” he teases. At least I hope he is.
Eddie will be protective but not a jerk.
Inside once I show my invitation we are directed into the ballroom that has been transformed into a gorgeous dining room. There is even a fountain in the center of the room with live swans floating in it. The round tables are covered in white lines with ornate floral centerpieces. Her parents probably spent more paying for this party than I make in a year. I don’t know how Eddie can compete and top them with a wedding of this scale. I spent three hundred dollars on this dress on sale and I still feel out of place.
Enzo squeezes my hand and murmurs in my ear, “Everyone here is enraptured by your beauty. You are so damn stunning. I can’t wait to slowly peel that dress from you.”
Blush stains my cheeks. “Enzo,” I whisper his name feeling not embarrassed but bashful I suppose. “There’s my brother.” Eddie and Claire are standing near the fountain. Eddie looks so handsome with his hair slicked back in a low ponytail. Claire looks as though she were cut out of a high fashion magazine–––so plastic and perfect. I nearly gag at the sight of her fake smile as we approach the happy couple.
Something passes across Enzo’s face but before I can think much of it I am being swallowed in a bear hug from Eddie. “Save me, Muffin,” he whispers in my ear nearly squeezing the life out of me. I don’t know how he does it…pretends for Claire that he enjoys this big scene.
“Eddie, this is my date, Enzo.”
They shake hands and exchange pleasantries.
Claire smiles at me. My stomach turns as she greets me, air kissing both my cheeks. “Faith, darling. You look great. You are simply glowing.”
“You look beautiful as always,” I tell her.
“I’m gonna get this guy a beer,” my brother announces stealing Enzo away and leaving me on my own with this bitch.
“Hurry back. I miss you already,” she coos after him.
I smile and try to think of something nice to say to her. “The décor is beautiful.”
Her eyes narrow into slits like that of a wild jungle cat stalking its next meal. Her hand goes to my stomach. “Is this why you’re glowing? I don’t know if we will have time to make so many alterations to your bridesmaid dress.” She feigns shock and I grab her twig of a wrist wishing I could snap it.
“We both know I’m not expecting.” I lick my bottom lip and lean in close. “One day my brother is going to find out what a shallow and ugly fake bitch you are.”
She pulls away from me making a face. “Like he’d believe you.”
“Everything okay here? You two look a little tense,” Darin interrupts, saving us from making a scene.
“It’s fine,” I answer. She glares at me as Darin looks me over, concern etched on his face.
“I’m just disappointed is all. Faith just told me she didn’t want to be my bridesmaid. I know Eddie wished it, but I won’t force her to share in our special day. You know Faith never has been too fond of me.” This is what she does. She insults me and then plays the victim.
“That true?” Darin asks as though he is challenging me to say otherwise. Everyone always trusts her and her little miss innocent act.
“Afraid so.” With that I spin around and go in search of Enzo.
Darin is following closely behind me. I see Enzo chatting with people I don’t know by the bar and Eddie is making his way over to Claire. She will make me out to be a monster to him and he will side with her as always. I don’t know why I don’t tell him what a troll twat she truly is. I guess part of me doesn’t want to see him heartbroken or demand he chooses between the two of us, but if they have children I don’t know how I will ever love the little monsters if they are like their mother.
Before I make it to Enzo, Darin is tugging me behind a pillar. His grip on my wrist is too tight but I don’t pull away. I don’t want to attract an audience. “What’s going on? Why don’t you want to be in the wedding party?” He demands. My eyes search his wondering what has gotten into to him to today.
“Don’t worry about it,” I hiss through my clenched teeth.
“Faith, talk to me. Don’t shut me out.” His hold on me loosens.
“Now isn’t the time. Today is about Eddie and Claire.”
“I was looking forward to walking you down the aisle.”
“What is this today, huh? You’ve not ever showed this much interest in me unless you want something. So, what is that you want? Are you lonely, Darin? Don’t have someone to warm your bed, so what? Now I am on your radar? Is that what this is? You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me?”
“It isn’t like that, Faith.”
“Then enlighten me. What’s it like?”
I wait for him to answer but he can’t look me in the eyes. I follow his gaze, landing on Claire and her best friend. I scoff and shake my head. “Grow up, Darin.”
With his attention elsewh
ere, I go find Enzo. Before I can find him, Eddie grabs my arm and leads me out to the hallway.
“Claire told me you are refusing to be her bridesmaid.”
I shrug at him.
“You’re going to be standing up next to her, Faith. You’re my sister, you have to be part of my wedding.”
I’m done. “Look, Eddie, I love you. You know that, but you also know I do not like that woman you’re marrying. I refuse to stand up next to that fake bitch. I’ll still go to the wedding, but I’ll be there under protest.” His face is so angry, and I know he’s about to say something that will hurt us both so I put my hand up and cut him off. “Don’t, you’ll only say something you’ll regret. I’m not being in the wedding party, and that’s that.” I walk off. Feeling good about myself for once and spot Enzo looking around the room, finally his eyes land on me.
I go up to him and smile, grabbing his arm. “Let’s get out of here, I’ll call a cab.” We move through the room and ignore both Eddie and Darin calling my name, but I don’t miss the ugly smirk Claire sends me.
I’ve been in Colorado for seven weeks. Every day I am here feels like pure torture. I miss my dog. I miss Faith and her luscious curves teasing me. The office is finally up and running. I can’t stop worrying over every small detail. Faith is arriving in a few days to bring my boy to me and to train the office staff. I haven’t seen her since the engagement party and when I video call she keeps the camera on Beans. I feel like I fucked up but when I saw that slimy photographer with his hands on her I lost it. I want her so damn bad, but I want her to be happy even if it’s with that asshole.
Eddie hates him, and he likes everyone. Speaking of. My phone rings. “Hey, man. What’s up?”
“Just making sure everything is in order for when Faith comes. How did the interviews go?”
“Good. I hired two people for the office and Branson already has three jobs lined up. The first one starts next week. I’m waiting on some bids to come in for the crews.”