Must Love Curves Read online

Page 5

  “Damn, I wish I could be there. This wedding shit though. Claire is breathing down my neck.”

  “If you love her though it’s all worth it at the end of the day. You get to go home every night to the woman you love. A lot of men would envy you.”

  “Not you though, huh?” He chuckles.

  “Maybe someday.”

  “No one can put up with you, except Faith.”

  “Yeah, Faith.” I sigh louder than I mean to.

  “I don’t think it will last you know.”

  “What will last?”

  “Faith and that dick. Look man, we’re best friends and I know you. I see the way you look at her.” Eddie made some comment to me that he didn’t like the way this joker was looking at Claire at the engagement party. I noticed it too but didn’t want to start something.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I pinch the bridge of my nose not wanting to get into this right now.

  “Yeah, you do. I just want you to know that if I have to think of any man with my sister, I’d rather it be you. You’re a good dude and when she comes out there…you should you know woo her.”

  “You want me to woo your sister?”

  “Yeah, Darin. I know you’d be good to her. I gotta go. Claire’s waiting for me to go taste cakes.”

  “Enjoy. Oh, speaking of the wedding stuff, did Faith ever change her mind about being in the wedding?”

  “No,” he grumbles. “Every time I bring it up now, she just puts her hand up and tells me to keep my mouth shut.”

  “Well damn, I don’t get it. Claire is a cool chick, what’s Faith’s problem with her?”

  “Man, I don’t know. Faith tried to say that Claire was a bitch to her before, but I just can’t fathom that, Claire has been nothing but nice and accommodating to Faith. I think Faith’s just jealous that her big brother has another woman in his life.”

  “Hmm, Maybe.” Something doesn’t sit right. Faith doesn’t lie about anything, and when she does lie, you can tell instantly. “Anyway, go enjoy your cake tasting.”

  “Yeah, I will and think about what I said. I’m serious. Why do you think I’m flying her out there?”

  The line goes dead, and I hang my head down leaning into the wall. Did he really just give me his blessing to pursue Faith?

  God knows I have thought about it. I get ready to lock up the office when Linda approaches me. She’s the younger of the two women I hired to do what Faith does back in Hermitage. She does so much for us that when I started looking over her duties I realized it would take at least two people to cover what she handles. We really aren’t paying her enough. Maybe once things get off the ground here we can hire her an assistant to delegate some of her responsibilities to.

  “I was just on my way out and thought I’d ask if you’d like to get a drink?” She smiles at me. It’s a warm and friendly smile. Then her hand touches my arm and I look into her eyes. I see the hidden desire there. She thinks I am single and easily available.

  Sure, I could take her up on her offer and fuck her but that would ruin what we are trying to establish here. I mean, she’s gorgeous. Any man would love to take her home. Long legs that could wrap around my waist. A small bust, no more than a handful. Long brown silky hair I could easily wrap my hands up in. However, none of that is what I want. I’ve had that one too many times and there is one thing all those women have in common. They aren’t Faith. They don’t have her thick thighs and big tits. They don’t have those meaty hips and her warmth. Her smile that radiates so much joy. Her wit…they don’t have that either. Those women don’t know me like she does, and I don’t want them to.

  “Darin? About that drink?” She presses breaking me from my thoughts of Faith.

  “Sorry, Linda. My head gets away from me sometimes. You’re a great girl but I’m your boss and it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

  She laughs. Then she shakes her head and throws it back as more laughter bubbles in her throat. “I’m meeting my girlfriend. Jen. I’m a lesbian.”

  “Oh, well my apologies. I didn’t mean to insinuate…”

  “Yeah, you did, but I will give you a pass. You’re new here, and I am sure you are used to women throwing themselves at you, but I was only being friendly.”

  “Well, in that case, I’d love to get a drink with you and Jen.”

  “I’ll let you lock up and wait by the door. We can walk down to Wendi Macks together.”

  I give her a chin lift and shutdown my computer.

  Wendi Macks is a beer joint. Pool tables, darts, cheap beer. Turns out Linda’s girlfriend, Jen is a bartender here and a total knockout. Short auburn curly hair, freckles that dust her nose, and a bubble butt that I could sit my beer on.

  Jen touches Linda’s hand briefly as she slides her a glass of wine. “I’ll be off in ten. Then I can join you,” she tells her.

  I take a long drink of my beer, needing it more than I thought after that heavy conversation with Eddie. “So, how long you two been a thing?”

  Linda sips her wine giving me a hint of a smile over the brim. “I’m glad you are cool about this. I have lost jobs in the past when my workplace found out. Of course, on the record they would write me up for some infraction to cover their ass, but I have loved her since I was in tenth grade. She was new at school and the moment I saw her I knew there was something different. I had never felt that way before and luckily for me when I got the nerve up to kiss her, she kissed me back.” She laughs, her eyes flitting over to Jen as she serves other customers.

  “I’m sorry about the asshole bosses. Eddie and I don’t operate like that. As long as you do your job what you do outside of work is your business. The two of you make a nice couple though.”

  “Are Eddie and you….” Her fingers dance over the wineglass.

  “Are Eddie and me, what?”


  “Well yeah. We’ve been together for I don’t know…eight years.”

  “That’s so sweet.” I nod not really getting her meaning but happy to have some company for a change. Branson is newly married with twins on the way. The man never has time for anything outside of work. He and his wife have invited me over once a week for dinner, but I always feel as though I am imposing on them.

  Eventually Jen joins us, and Linda keeps asking me questions about Eddie and me and then it finally hits me. She thinks we’re a couple. I choke on my beer when she says, “Are you the bottom or the top?”

  “He strikes me as a top?” Jen muses and I do get choked this time.

  I sputter. “You have it all wrong. Eddie and me no way no how. We’ve been best friends all my life and he’s getting married next month. In fact, I’m dating his sister.” So, technically that last bit was a lie, but I don’t want rumors going around the office about Eddie and me. I mean, shit I don’t have anything against gay men I’m just not one myself.

  “Mhmm,” Linda murmurs giving Jen a look.

  I sigh and pull out my phone. “Don’t believe me. Fine.” I dial up Faith on video chat.

  “Hello,” she answers sounding breathless.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  She rolls her eyes and then I notice where she is. She’s in bed with Enzo. Fuck.

  “What’s up?”

  “Just um checking in to see if you have everything ready for your flight.”

  “Yup, I will see you soon enough. Was that all?”

  I flinch as Enzo kisses her bare shoulder. Bastard.

  “No, I wanted to introduce you to Linda but that can wait.”

  “Okay. Talk to you later.”

  “Yeah, later.”

  “Girlfriend, huh?” Linda teases with a laugh. “It’s okay, Darin. You aren’t ready to come out. Your secret is safe with us. Right, Jen?”

  Her girlfriend nods enthusiastically and I groan.


  Nervously, I check the time on my watch for what seems like the millionth occasion. Faith should have landed an hour ago. I offered to pick
her up, but she insisted on catching a cab to my apartment. She wanted to stay at a hotel too, but I have a perfectly good apartment why waste the money. Pulling my phone out of my pocket as I stand out front of my building waiting, my last text is still going unanswered.

  Another ten minutes pass when finally, a cab rounds the corner. It comes to a stop and before the driver can get out to open her door for her, I am doing it. Beans is sitting next to her in his carrier and the moment he sees me he goes nuts for me. God, I have missed him…both of them.

  “Hey,” she breathes out.

  “Hey, yourself,” I tell her as I grab the handle of the carrier.

  The driver grabs her luggage from the trunk, and I pull a few bills from my wallet to pay him while Faith exits the car. I can’t pull my eyes from her. She is so beautiful. Her hair is styled in one of those glamorous dos’ she loves reminiscent of the 1950s. Her creamy skin appears flawless as she smiles at me. I sweep my gaze over her figure. A leopard print top that ties off at her hip, black pants that stop midway down her calves and her shoes scream that they need to be digging into the top of my ass as her legs are wrapped around me while I pound into her.

  “It’s good to see you, Darin.”

  “You too. And you,” I lean down and tell my boy. “How did he do?”

  “He got sick, but I took him in the bathroom at the airport and cleaned him up. That’s why I’m so late and my cell phone died,” she explains.

  “Thanks for taking care of him.”

  She shrugs. “No problem.”

  “Come on, I’ll let you get settled then we can grab some food after I take Beans for a walk.”

  With Beans in one hand and her heavy suitcase in the other, I lead her to my condo. I figured I might as well have a place here since I’m going to be here for some time. I don’t know when I will return to Tennessee.

  As soon as I get them indoors I open up the pet carrier and let Beans out. Immediately he jumps into my awaiting arms and begins licking my face. He is so excited to see me he pisses all over me.

  “Damn it, boy.” I shake my head but don’t really get angry with him. I’ve missed him too damn much to care.

  “He’s missed you,” Faith tells me.

  “I see that.” I laugh as I go to get a towel to clean up after him. “Your room is the second door on the left. I need to jump in the shower. Make yourself at home.”

  She nods, and I go into the bathroom with Beans following. The little shithead even gets in the shower with me. I’m not complaining though. I’m glad to have my shadow back. When I get finished up and dressed in clean clothes the door to the guest room is closed. Tapping lightly, I call out, “Faith, I’m going to take Beans out.”

  She doesn’t answer so I can only assume she heard me or was ignoring me.

  With his favorite ball in hand I get him harnessed and leashed. There’s an empty lot behind my building that is being sold off for development but today it will serve as Beans’ playground. After he does his business I let him off the leash to play fetch. It isn’t long before he is breathing hard and in need of water.

  Once I get him settled I knock on the spare bedroom door once more to see if Faith wants to go see the office and grab some dinner. On the third knock she groggily croaks, “It’s open.”

  When I open the door I’m not prepared for what I see. Faith is curled up in the bed in nothing more than a t-shirt. The sheet is only pulled up to her mid-thigh and I can see the curve of her hip as she moves to sit up. She stretches her arms over head and yawns, giving me another glimpse of her creamy skin. I want nothing more than to slide into bed next to her and pull that shirt over her head and get a good look at the rest of her.

  “Sorry, I needed a nap.” She yawns.

  “No problem. We can order takeout, or I can go to the store and grab a few things to cook us something.” I shrug.

  “You’d cook for me?”


  “Since when do you cook for anyone?”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Faith.”

  She rolls her eyes with a giggle. A sound I have missed for so long.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Let’s go to the store and I will help you prepare a good meal.”

  “You saying you don’t trust me?” I cock an eyebrow at her as I lean against the inside of the door.

  “That’s exactly what I am saying. Did you forget about the time you and Eddie told those girls you’d cook for them and I had to do it for you?”

  I laugh. “I’d forgotten all about that. But did you ever think it was more that we were lazy and would rather play video games while you did all the work.” I grin.

  A pillow comes flying at my head, but I bat it away. Beans comes charging in and starts attacking the pillow.

  “Get dressed.”

  She salutes me. “Aye, aye captain.”

  I toss the pillow back on the bed and pull the door shut, ushering Beans back to the living room.


  I’ve been in Colorado with Darin for three days. I hadn’t realized how much I missed his friendship. We have been enjoying a marvelous week together. Strangely I hadn’t thought about Enzo until he shot me a text inquiring why he hadn’t heard from me. I suppose I have been busy at the office working with Linda and Mable, but I have been appreciating Darin’s company as well. He’s cooked for me the past few nights and we have curled up with Beans between us on the couch to watch all the great movies from the 1980s. My favorite being St. Elmo’s Fire.

  I return home in three days and I can genuinely say I’m not ready to leave. Back home, Eddie is driving me nuts as he and Claire prepare for their wedding. I wish he could see her for the wretched troll twat she honestly is, but he doesn’t. In a month that poor bitch will be my sister. I would almost demand Eddie transfer me to this office to get me away from her but then that would mean leaving behind the home I grew up in. The only home I have ever known. Although if I have to be around Claire living in that home with me, I might make the sacrifice and move out.

  Linda is requesting that Darin take me out tonight to some art showing for one of her acquaintances. Art isn’t really my thing, but it will be nice to go out. Not that I haven’t enjoyed staying in with Darin.

  Things have been so good between us. It almost feels as if we are a couple. We get up and go to work, eat lunch, and have dinner together. Putting in my gold hoop earrings, I finish off my look. For the gallery, I am wearing my red wrap sweater paired with my black and white polka dot pencil skirt and my red peep toe heels.

  When I come out of the bedroom, Darin is wearing his dark grey suit that I love him in. It fits him so snug. He’s in the kitchen refilling Beans’ water bowl.

  “Hey,” I greet him even though I was with him only an hour ago.

  His mouth opens and closes. “I don’t think I can take you out looking like this.”

  “What? Why?” I smooth my hands over my skirt not seeing the problem.

  “I’m…speechless. You look too damn good, Faith.” He crosses the room and when he approaches me there is this tension crackling between us. To be honest, I’ve felt it since I arrived here.

  I swallow when his eyes land on my lips. His rugged fingers tilt my chin upward. “You don’t know the things I want to do to you right now, Faith.”

  I jerk my head to the side. “Darin,” I whisper his name as my belly pools with warmth.

  “Faith, I want to kiss you.”

  I suck in a breath. “What, no one in Colorado hasn’t fallen into your bed yet?” I try to tease but he flinches as though I have slapped him. “I’m sorry. It’s just.” I wince not wanting to sound harsh and disbelieving but his is Darin. The man I have wanted for years. The man I have watched screw so many women in the past.

  “You don’t believe that I could want you. That I have wanted you for years. Faith, I’ve thought of nothing but you for the past seven years. You drive me crazy in these damns skirts.” His hands go around to my backside and
he squeezes my bottom as he steps into me, pinning me against the wall. “One kiss, Faith. One kiss and you’ll know.”

  “We can’t. Eddie…work…Enzo….” I trail off running out of excuses as his hungry eyes narrow in on me.

  The pad of his thumb rubs over my red lipstick.

  “Stop making excuses and shutting me down. Forget the world right now. It’s only you and me here. One kiss and I promise you won’t be thinking of anything but me.”

  My knees knock together as his lips brush across my cheek. “Darin…”

  “Faith, you know you want to. Stop holding back.” His gaze locks onto mine and there is so much sincerity behind his words. He’s right. I do want this.

  “Okay,” I whisper, giving in. How can I turn him down? This is all I have ever wanted.

  “Good,” he says in a raspy tone. His palms slide to my hips, holding me in place. His minty breath washes over the tip of my nose as he leans down. Then those lips I have thought about so many times come down on mine. His tongue brushes across the seam of my mouth and I part my lips, inviting him in.

  On instinct, my hands go to him, pulling his body further into mine. Our tongues sweep over one another getting lost in the taste and sensual sensations. Hiking up my skirt he hitches my leg up on his hip, nearly ripping the fabric but I don’t care. As I pull back to catch my breath his teeth graze me, nibbling my bottom lip. It’s so damn erotic.

  Darin’s erection is pressing into me, but he puts my leg down and smooths my skirt back into place.

  “Let’s go,” he says going to the door and leaving me stunned. That’s it? He’s going to kiss me stupid then walk away?

  I’m terrified to move; my panties are so damn wet, and I can scarcely breathe.

  He looks back over his shoulder at me wearing a smirk and my lipstick. “You coming?”

  “Almost,” I let out on a shaky breath.

  In the car, he keeps his hand gripped on my thigh as though he is anxious I am going to bail out the door. I don’t know what happened back there, but I want more. So much more of that in my life. I like Enzo but when we kiss it doesn’t feel like that.