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Must Love Curves Page 6

  I feel so confused. I look over at Darin as he parks the car.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Going to the showing. What else?”

  “No. I mean you and me, Darin? What is this?”

  “What do you want it to be, Faith?”

  I look down at his hand all possessive on my leg. “I don’t know.

  He removes his touch and I miss it instantly. “Well until you know, I’ll be waiting.”

  “Darin…that isn’t fair. I can’t ask you…” I shake my head.

  “No. You were right you know. It took you meeting someone to give me the push I needed to pursue this. It wasn’t fair of me but, Faith, I care about you. If your happiness rests in his hands I want that for you. It will suck but I only want to see you happy. I won’t kiss you again until you ask me to.”

  I offer him a weak smile not sure how to respond.

  “Hey,” he says pulling my eyes back to him. “Let’s just enjoy tonight…the rest of your trip. You can go home and see where your heart leads you. Whether it’s to his door or back to me.”

  The rest of the night Darin played the perfect gentleman and the next two days he was so busy going out on jobs we didn’t get to talk. He didn’t even get to drive me to the airport; Linda and her girlfriend, Jen, are giving me a lift.

  “So, what’s the deal with you and the boss man?” Linda questions when I get in the car.

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  She smirks at her girlfriend then eyes me in the rearview mirror. “Well, to be honest I thought he was gay with your brother, but he told us that he was dating you. But when you got here you guys weren’t all over each other so what’s the deal? I see the way you stare after each other.”

  I bite back laughter at the comment about him and Eddie, but I don’t know what to make of him telling them we were a thing. “It’s complicated.”

  “Right. Well some advice.”

  Before she can say more Jen cuts her off. “This is none of your business. Leave them alone.”

  “Oh, shut it. You know I say what I think.” Jen rolls her eyes and offers me an I’m sorry face.

  I shrug it off. “So, what’s this advice?”

  “Make him work for it. Darin comes off as a man who always gets his way.”

  “You got that right.” I grin.

  We arrive at the drop off point and Linda smiles at me. “I’d tell you to hurry back, but I don’t want you taking my job.”

  “No worries there, I love Tennessee. It was nice meeting you both. Thanks for the lift.”

  “Anytime, girl.”


  I go into the apartment hoping to surprise Enzo when he gets home from his session. He’s been wanting to take pictures of me. Tonight, he is going to get his wish, but the photos aren’t for him. They will be for me. I feel the best I ever have, and I feel like celebrating myself.

  I haven’t seen Enzo since I have been back from my trip. He’s been busy with his work and I suppose I’m feeling guilty about that kiss with Darin. Licking my lips, I want to cry. I had always dreamt of kissing him. It was amazing. Life changing, earth shattering, sweep me off my feet kiss. He’s in Colorado though and my life is here. He’s been so busy we have only shared a few brief text messages. I can’t stop thinking about him though. Deep down I know I should end things with Enzo, but I would be a fool not to try and make things work with him. He’s here. Darin isn’t.

  I hear movement in the bedroom and I call out, “Enzo, is that you?”

  No one answers me. When I walk into the bedroom my mouth drops. Claire my fucking brother’s fiancé is in Enzo’s bed, legs spread fucking herself with a purple glass dildo. Not only that she has a camera pointed on herself, filming it.

  “Oh my God!” I screech. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Her eyes widen in shock when she realizes I am standing here taking in the show.

  She pulls the comforter up over her naked body.

  “Faith! Please, don’t tell Eddie. It’s a surprise for him. It’s my wedding gift to him.”


  “Well, um…when you brought Enzo to the engagement party he mentioned he was a photographer, and I called him to set this whole thing up.”

  “You expect me to buy that lame story?” I shake my head and look away from her.

  “Please, Faith. Promise me? This is a misunderstanding is all. I swear it,” she begs.

  “I don’t know. I need to think on it.”

  I turn on my heels and leave her there in his bed. I’m not even upset about Enzo. I am mad for Eddie. He loves her. This if it isn’t what she says will crush him and how in the hell will I tell him?

  I go out to my car and lean against it, waiting for Enzo. Minutes later, Claire is hauling ass to her car.


  “My future sister-in-law was in your bed fucking herself with a dildo and videotaping it. Explain that to me, please!”

  “Claire’s my ex-girlfriend. We broke up a year ago when I found out she was dating your brother. We used to make movies together. I guess she thought she would surprise me, I don’t know what she was thinking, but I don’t want her.” I give him a you have got to be kidding me look. “I’m not ashamed of liking what I like in the bedroom. You want honesty, so I am giving it to you. I met her through a job three years ago. I thought I loved her, but I was wrong. When I found out about your brother I told her to choose and she chose him. I pursued you to get to her. It was terrible of me and I’m sorry.”

  “You knew who I was all this time? When you called me Faith when I slept with you that first time…” I shake my head feeling so dumb.

  “I guess seeing us together made her miss me. Hell, I don’t know, but I don’t want her. I’m falling for you, Faith. Please, give me a second chance.”

  “I can’t, Enzo. You dated that bitch that I hate. You used me…I have to tell Eddie.” God, this will crush him.

  “I’m so sorry, Faith.”

  I nod as tears pool in the corners of my eyes. I feel so torn. I’m not crying for me. I mean, man does it suck but I have my answer. I belong with Darin. Poor Eddie. I sigh. At least Enzo has the decency to feel bad about his actions.


  It’s been two weeks since I caught Claire in Enzo’s bed, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to tell Eddie. I told Darin. He told me to keep quiet that he would handle it. He knows how my brother is and I guess hearing bad news from someone on the other side of the country is better than hearing it face to face. At least he can’t punch Darin from so far away.

  Things have been so quiet at the office. Eddie has been buried in his work and he has barely spoken to me. It almost makes me think Claire told him some crazy story and he is mad at me. As far as I can tell the wedding is still on. My bridesmaid gown was delivered today, and I received a text from Darin that said he couldn’t wait to walk me down the aisle. As much as I am looking forward to seeing him, I’m not sure I can allow my brother to go through with this wedding.

  I haven’t heard from Claire which is so unlike her. The wedding is too close for her to be so distant. I was sure she would be pulling something stupid to make me look bad. But there has been nothing.


  “Eddie?” I call, opening the front door to the apartment he shares with Claire. I made sure that she wouldn’t be here before I showed up.

  “Hey man, what’s up?”

  “We have to talk. And I brought proof with me in case you don’t have faith in me and my word.” Faith was able to get old videos and text messages from Enzo to prove to Eddie that Claire has been cheating on him since day one. Even nasty messages to Enzo detailing how much Claire hates Faith and the nasty shit she says to her. Which pissed me right the fuck off.

  Eddie narrows his eyes at me. “What’s going on?”

  “Claire has been cheating on you, and everything Faith has said about her is true,” I blurt out quickly.


  “Man, you heard me. I wouldn’t bring this shit to your door if it wasn’t legit. See for yourself.” I hand over my phone, letting him scroll through all the evidence.

  He scrubs his hand over his head and cups the back of his neck after he hands back my cell phone.

  “I had my suspicions. But damn. What a cunt, huh?”

  “You said it.” I grin. “Are we cool?”

  “Indeed, I just don’t know how to call this shit off. The wedding is in two weeks.”

  “Well whatever you need. I’m here for ya, bro.”

  He nods and then he gets this weird twinkle in his eyes.

  “Does Faith know you’re in town?”

  “Nope, I was going to surprise her.”

  “Think I could crash at your place for a bit? I have an idea.” He smirks.

  “Do I even want to know?” When Eddie gets and idea it is either his greatest plan yet or the worst thing ever.

  He punches me in the chest. “It’s for you, dickhead. I know how to get you and Faith together once and for all.”

  “What are you up to, Eddie?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  I nod my head knowing this will somehow bite me in the ass. “Sure, I do.”

  “Good. Don’t tell Faith you’re in town. We have work to do.”

  Before we can make further plans, Claire comes home, and I take it as my cue to leave, but Eddie asks for me to stay. Fuck, this won’t be good. However, if he needs my support I got his back.

  “What’s Darin doing here? Thought he was in Colorado?” She flips her hair and drops her purse on the kitchen counter.

  “He’s here because I want him here. You know I let a lot slide, Claire, but I am sick of you being rude to the people I care about. Since we have been together the only time I see my best friend is at work.”

  Her eyes widen but she drawls out a long, “Ooo-kay.”

  “My own sister doesn’t want to be in my wedding and why do you think that is, Claire, huh?” He gets in her face spitting his words at her.

  “What’s going on, Eddie? I get it. You need space. The wedding has put a lot of pressure on you, but if you need a breather. That’s fine.”

  “What’s going on is I don’t want to marry you, Claire. We’re over.”

  Damn he just really took it all the way there. I thought for sure he’d end up yelling at her, but then he’d find a way to forgive her, but he’s serious about this shit. Not that I can blame him. I might have kicked his ass if he gave in to her.

  “What!? You don’t mean that. You’re upset. Talk some sense into your friend, Darin, before he throws away the greatest thing to ever happen to him.” She waves an arm down her body.

  “Sure, you’re so great. So fucking great that you treat my sister like shit and talk to her the way that you do. But not only that you’ve been fucking your ex behind my back or was it the other way around? Was I the other man? You know what it doesn’t matter.”

  “What are you talking about!”

  “Here!” He shouts, red faced and tosses some pictures at her I didn’t know he had.

  Her face pales and she slides down to the floor clutching the pictures with her hand over her mouth as she cries.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Eddie says to me. We get into my car and head to a bar. The guy could use a drink or four.



  “Do you think she will go for it?”

  “Faith has always dreamed of a fairytale, man. I’m happy to make it happen.”

  “You haven’t told her you’re leaving have you?”

  Eddie shakes his head.

  “Man, you need to tell her.”

  “I will just not yet.” He grins and pats me on the back.

  I can’t believe I let him talk me into this shit.

  When I told Eddie about Enzo and Claire he wasn’t shocked. Even told me he had been having doubts for some time and he found some questioning photos on her phone. They weren’t of his dick, but they were of Enzo’s. He stole Faith’s phone when she was in the bathroom at work and compared the shots.

  Now I am standing here at the church feeling like a fool waiting for a bride who doesn’t know she’s a bride. Yup, Eddie arranged all this for Faith and me. Said there was no sense in letting the decorations and food go to waste. He even somehow managed to get the marriage license. Something about a woman at city hall wanting one of our big treehouses for her grandkids.

  I’m either a fool or a romantic. I’m not sure which yet. All I know is Eddie was right. Faith deserves the fairytale.

  I look down at Beans, dressed in his doggy tuxedo with a pillow strapped to his back holding the rings.

  I suck in a deep breath. I hope this doesn’t blow up in my face.

  Eddie grins and tucks his phone in his pocket. “She’s here.” I watch as he casually strolls out the front of the church. This is it. The make or break moment. I look to the pews and see Jen and Linda giving me big smiles of encouragement among some of our other friends. I may have invited those two just to prove that Eddie and I aren’t together. I have a big ego, so sue me.

  I can hear shouting coming from the front of the church. I can only guess Eddie has told Faith what is really happening or not here today.

  The voices quieten and eventually the church doors open. Eddie is standing there alone and my heart sinks. I knew there was a possibility she’d hate this. He gives me a sad smile and I shrug, biting back my disappointment. I don’t know why I let Eddie talk me into this crazy shit. But just as Eddie starts to walk toward me, Faith steps up next to him and takes his arm.

  My jaw drops. She is absolutely stunning. Dressed in a creamy colored wrap around dress that hugs those curves I love so much, I get a peek at her matching thigh high stocking trimmed in lace at the tops through the slit that comes up the side of her thigh. Her hair is pinned back, adorned with red roses. I swallow hard, knowing that if this goes according to plan in a few hours I will be the one peeling those sexy as sin stockings from her legs and worshiping her body like the goddess she is.


  This morning I received a cryptic message from Eddie asking me to be at the church for a dress rehearsal with strict instructions to wear the dress that arrived for me. I don’t want to do it, but he is my brother and if he has made his peace with Claire then I have to accept his choice.

  I text him letting him know of my arrival when I am standing outside of the church. Minutes later my brother comes through the front doors of the church, closing them quickly behind him.

  “You look beautiful, sis.”

  “Thanks, but shouldn’t you be in there?”

  “We need to talk.” His face matches his serious tone.

  “Sure, what’s going on, Eddie?” I take his hands in mine.

  “Promise me you’ll hear me out before you freak out on me?”

  I narrow my eyes on him. “What’s going on?”

  “I brought you here under a lie.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Listen and let me do the talking alright?”

  I nod even though I am dying to demand answers.

  “I’m not the one who is getting married today.”

  I start to speak but he gives me a stern look. It’s a look our father used to give us and my heart stutters in my chest. I miss our folks so much.

  “Darin told me about Claire. I’m sorry I never listened to you. She’s a nasty bitch. She’ll never be mean to you again. She is out of our lives for good. Anyway, I already paid for a wedding. I thought maybe if you’re up to it…you’d like to make things official and make Darin my brother.”

  “Um…What!?” I shriek in his face, dropping his hands. “Does Darin know about this?” I laugh. I mean, this shit is comical. Does he really think he can just push Darin and me together like this?

  “He’s waiting inside for you, Faith. He loves you. He has for a long time, and I couldn’t think of two better people to
get married. You and him deserve a happy ending.”

  “You’re serious?”

  He nods.

  “Eddie.” I struggle to breath as I grasp at the pearls around my neck. They belonged to my mother.

  “You don’t have to. No one is forcing you.”

  “I can’t…married. Eddie, have you lost your mind?”

  He shrugs. “When you really love someone, who needs to be practical. I wasted so much time trying to fit into Claire’s world. It never really hit me. I shouldn’t have had to change. She should have loved me for who I was not who she wanted me to be. You have that with Darin. I’m just saying…this is my gift to the two of you. If you really love each other nothing should hold you back. Life’s too short.”

  “I…” I struggle to find words. “He really wants to marry me?”

  “Yes, is that so hard to imagine?” His green eyes matching my own stare at me, willing me to say yes.

  “I have to think about this. I can’t marry him today.” I shake my head.

  “Okay, Faith. If you need time take it. I’ll go let Darin down easy.”

  His words hit me. Pushing all the doubt aside, I think about Darin. His smile. How much he loves his dog. The way it felt when he kissed me. He made my toes curl. No man has ever affected me like he does.

  When I think about my life…where I have been…where I am going…I know one thing for sure—there is one man other than my brother who I picture always being in my life and he’s Darin.

  “Eddie, wait,” I call after him rush to his side, taking his offered arm. “Are we really doing this right now?”

  “Looks like it, Muffin.” He winks, and the wedding march begins to play.

  My eyes land on Darin who is standing up at the altar just as Eddie said he was. He takes my breath away and when his eyes meet mine, I don’t how to explain it, but I feel it. His love for me. He wants to marry me today. I know it’s crazy. We’ve only shared one kiss, but it was enough to know that we’re meant to be. I’ve loved him most of my life.

  I don’t pause to look at who is in the crowd I can’t tear my eyes away from Darin as he stares at me in awe. We make it to the end of the red carpet and Darin steps forward.